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    候选万素材 1‐Allen Iverson:
    My favorite basketball player all around this world is Allen Iverson I like him the most for three
    reasons First off he is the most talented and favored player I have ever seen He was the team leader
    and the most valuable player in Georgetown University and was the top pick of the selected
    candidates of 1996 Besides he was really strong‐minded and tough In 2001 he led his team
    Philadelphia Seventy Sixers to the NBA final and he scored 42 points in the third game of the final
    with 18 body injures I just cannot helplovingsuchastrongwarriorFinally his spirit of never giving
    up just tells the world everything is possible and I will start to achieve every single goal in my life by
    following this high spirit So Allen Iverson is my favorite basketball player
    候选万素材 2‐Steve jobs:
    Of all the people alive or not today Steve Jobs is my role model I admire him so much not because he
    was leading one of the most famous software company but because of his nobledeedsandnoble
    heart First off as a genius he made the computer operating system more powerful and easier to use
    I love my computer much more because of the latest Mac system In addition he was extremely
    responsible for the society He started thousands of charitable foundations and associations to help
    millions of people receive education get rid of poverty and become healthier Finally he was an
    open‐minded and supportive leader He was doing a great job to make the applecomputerthemostfamous brand in the world Meanwhile he helped his followers to realize their dreams and make this
    world better That is why I admire him the most
    候选万素材 3‐Beijing:
    Talking about the place I love the most I would say it must be Beijing the capital city of China I can
    tell you that first of all it is the economic political and cultural center of my country Every year
    Beijing holds a lot of big social events that catch the attention of the whole world just like the
    Olympic games in 2008 Secondly it has thousands of places of interest WhenIwas6yearsoldIwas
    impressed by the magnificent imperial palace It felt like traveling back to thousands of years ago
    standing on top of the world and feeling the history and cultural origin of my great mother land
    Finally I am really impressed by such a passionate and attractive city because of its rapid growth and
    development every day That’s why l love it so much
    候选万素材 4‐Musical contest:
    One of my most unforgettable experience is taking part in a national musicalcontestwhenIwas16
    years old Truth be told I was a one hundred‐percent introverted person and totally unconfident So
    for me it was almost impossible to participate in an open contest like this But my parents changed
    that and I can still remember back then my daddy told me My son you are the best Just be
    yourself and enjoy the show I was really moved and inspired by those simple words And when I
    stood on the stage and heard their support and cheering for me I just released all the pressure and
    felt enjoyable and confident And you know what I sang the song you raise me up perfectly with
    my heart and soul and got the first prize of that contest It was the contest that has changed me
    completely so I will not forget it not ever
    候选万素材 5‐Swimming
    Of all the specific activities today I enjoy swimming the most First thingfirstswimmingisakindof
    body exercise and swimming in the water can make my body fit and thin You knowasagirlIwanna
    have a perfect body shape Besides this activity I mean swimming can be very enjoyable and
    valuable When I swim with my best friends in the summer I can keep all the terrible emotions and
    working burden away and enjoy the feeling of freedom in the water I still remember last summer
    holiday when we swam along the sunny beach Finally swimming is not just a refreshment for my
    body but also a refreshment for my mind Every time I swim I will feel closer to the world and nature
    and after that I can be totally refreshed and renewed So swimming is my favorite
    候选万素材 6‐Spring festival
    Well I think the Spring Festival is definitely important for all the Chinese people It’s very important
    for two reasons For the country it’s a time to remember our cultural origin and our historical past
    The whole country celebrates our root and it’s very inspiring We become so proud of our past I
    guess that’s why the Spring Festival is important And also for the individual the Spring Festival gives
    us a chance for relaxation as we often have a few days off It’s a time for fun meeting friends and
    entertainment And we can do a lot of relaxing activities like setting off fireworks making some
    paper‐cut for window decorations or watching the various Spring Festival shows on CCTV So after
    that we feel refreshed In a sense holidays restore our balance between work and leisure That’salso
    why we need Spring Festival
    春节相关素材表达:灯笼: lantern
    鞭炮: firecrackers
    窗花: paper‐cut for window decoration
    年夜饭:spring festival eve’s family dinner
    春晚: the spring festival show on China Central Television
    候选万素材 7‐Computer:
    My favorite object in my life is my lap top you know one black ThinkPad My mum gave it to me as a
    prize for my good grades in my high school I kept it all the time to collect information about science
    andEnglishandtobeinformedwiththeupdatedaffairsandnewsSoitissafe to say without my
    computer my life will be some sort of different Besides my computer can provide me with some
    mental and spiritual enjoyment When I watched the movie Transformers I was really impressed
    by the visual impact and audio effect provided by the powerful system of my computer So it just
    gives me a great time of fun and enjoyment So if you ask me what is the one thing that I love the
    most and benefits me the most it will be my computer
    候选万素材 8‐Music
    Well I’m an enthusiastic fan of music And I love every last one kind of music But if you ask me
    which song is my favorite my answer is pretty simple Heal the world by Michael Jackson To begin
    with it is a worldwide famous masterpiece of MJ It inspires generations of people all around this
    world to care more about this planet and the families worldwide That was really huge Besides the
    rhythm and the lyrics of this song are really encouraging and touching Every time I hear it I will be
    totally thrilled and moved by it Back in 2006 in the world music award Michael sang it live that was
    really great Finally the power of this song lies not just in the song itself it is spirit that gives hope to
    people all around the world and encourages us to care about this world and make it better place for
    you and for me
    候选万素材 9‐Movie
    Well of all the movies that I have watched the movie 17 again left me the deepest impression
    First of all I really love the style and the gut of that movie The atmosphere of the north American
    campus feels great Besides the design of that movie is quite amazing afterbeingconsideredasa
    loser at the age of 40 the dramatic character acted by Zac Efron came back to the age of 17 can you
    imagine And he restarted what he began as a youngster and won back his future and his wife’s
    heart This makes me feel fantastic Most importantly everything happened and portrayed in this
    movie just let me know that impossible is nothing and there exists another chance to finish what you
    have started if you still have a winner’s heart So l love this movie the most
    候选万素材 10‐Dream
    When facing this question I will definitely protect my dream to the end of my life To begin with
    dream is just like the original and start point of our lives Our life is just like a dreamlike gift favored by
    god So if our dreams die in a way our lives will be ended In addition there are millions of cases
    that showed us impossible is nothing and I believe I can turn the impossible into possible The Wright
    brothers made the impossible dream of flying possible for humans Armstrong made the impossible
    moon‐landing possible So I will follow their footprints to chase my dreams and make them come
    true Finally there are thousands of days for me to experience and there are millions of amazing
    moments waiting for me so as a young man who is struggling to find the meaning of life there is no
    reason not to follow my dream and I will protect it forever Thank you候选万素材 11‐Childhood
    Well I firmly believe childhood is the most fantastic period of time in my life I hold this opinion for
    three reasons First I was lucky that I was born and raised in a really happy and well‐educated family
    My parents were really considerate and patient to me and they took care of all the details of my life
    So my childhood is absolutely light‐hearted Second I was totally out‐going and open‐minded when I
    was a little boy so I got a lot of friends to play with me which enabled me to live my childhood better
    We went to play basketball together we went to swim together so I got so many beautiful memories
    to share with my buddies Finally I was really lucky to find out what I loved and figured out what kind
    of person that I wanted to be You know when I was 8 years old I took part in an open English speech
    contest and got the first prize in that contest So figuring out what path I will follow to lead my life is
    really beneficial to the development of my life And all of these are derived from my wonderful
    childhood so this period of time in my life is really unforgettable
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